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Nicole Soer | Your Productivity Coach
2 min read
Labor of Love - An Online Course
"I've got 10,000 things I have to do today!" "I have no idea what in the world I am doing!" Can you relate?
Nicole Soer | Your Productivity Coach
2 min read
Why Do I Procrastinate?
A look at scientific research at why we procrastinate as well as strategies to overcome it
Nicole Soer | Your Productivity Coach
2 min read
How to Use Parkinson's Law to Get Things Done
"Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion." -Cyril Parkinson. Here are 3 tips to use this "law" to get things done.
Nicole Soer | Your Productivity Coach
3 min read
The No-Resolution Guide to Accomplishing What You Want
Small changes can have a significant impact on your life. Use this No-Resolution Guide to accomplish what you want.
Nicole Soer | Your Productivity Coach
1 min read
Passive Action vs. Active Action
At some point, all of my research became passive action. It did help increase my knowledge and understanding, but it didn't finish my presen
Nicole Soer | Your Productivity Coach
2 min read
The Power of Micro-Moments
I have a friend who has a beautiful flower garden. As I was appreciating the beauty, I really wanted to know how she kept it weed-free so...
Nicole Soer | Your Productivity Coach
2 min read
How to Get Unstuck
Six ideas for getting unstuck
Nicole Soer | Your Productivity Coach
2 min read
How I figured out where all my time goes
Time is such a valuable asset, and it never seems like there is enough of it. I admit to binge watching Netflix from time-to-time. In...
Nicole Soer | Your Productivity Coach
2 min read
My 10-Minute Miracle
My dining room table functions as a desk, and this weekend, I decided that it was hampering my ability to be productive. The table was...
Nicole Soer | Your Productivity Coach
2 min read
What's Better than All-or-Nothing?
There are so many quotes that invoke "all-or-nothing" when it comes to life goals, and while I appreciate the general message...
Nicole Soer | Your Productivity Coach
2 min read
2 Life Changing Things
I have discovered two things recently, a book and an app, which have given me serious pause in the best possible way. The book, Miracle...
Nicole Soer | Your Productivity Coach
2 min read
What Gift is Procrastination Giving You?
Oh, procrastination. It gets such a bad rap (and many times it is well-deserved)! But when I think about some of my greatest...
Nicole Soer | Your Productivity Coach
3 min read
These 4 books helped me become Much More Organized (MMO)
Throughout much of my life, I always felt kind of disorganized and marveled at other people who seemed to have it so together on the...
Blog: Blog2
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